Preparing for Your Own Funeral: Practical Steps for Planning a Personalised Farewell

Planning your own funeral may feel like a daunting task, but it can be a thoughtful and practical way to ease the burden on your family during an already difficult time. By preparing in advance, you ensure that your wishes are respected, and you give your loved ones peace of mind knowing that your farewell reflects your personal values and preferences. At Phillip Stephens Funerals, we provide guidance and support to help you make these important decisions.

1. Choose the Type of Service

The first step in planning your own funeral is to decide what type of service you would like. Whether you prefer a traditional funeral, a memorial service, or a more modern celebration of life, it’s essential to consider the tone and atmosphere that best reflects your personality. You may also want to decide whether you prefer a burial or cremation, as this will influence other aspects of the service.

If you’re unsure about which option is best for you, the team at Phillip Stephens Funerals is here to help you explore your options and make an informed decision.

2. Select Music, Readings, and Personal Touches

One of the most personal aspects of planning your funeral is selecting the music, readings, and other elements that will be included in the service. You may have a favourite song or piece of poetry that you want to be featured or a religious or cultural tradition that you’d like to be honoured. Including these personal touches allows your loved ones to remember you in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

You can also consider any specific requests for the atmosphere of the service, such as a particular dress code or theme. For example, some people may request that their service be a celebration of life, with bright colours and uplifting music, rather than a sombre occasion.

3. Financial Planning

Funeral costs can vary significantly depending on the choices you make, and pre-planning your funeral allows you to set a budget and make arrangements that fit your financial situation. At Phillip Stephens Funerals, we offer funeral pre-planning options, please ask our dedicated team for more information or visit our pre-planning page here

If you choose not to prepay, it’s still essential to document your preferences and discuss your plans with your family so they understand your desires.

4. Document Your Wishes

Once you’ve made your decisions, it’s crucial to document your funeral wishes clearly. This may be done in a formal pre-planning agreement with Phillip Stephens Funerals, or you can write a letter outlining your preferences and share it with a trusted family member or executor. By leaving a clear plan behind, you eliminate uncertainty for your loved ones, ensuring that they know how to honour your memory.


Planning your own funeral is a thoughtful way to ensure that your farewell reflects your personality, values, and beliefs. By making these decisions in advance, you provide comfort to your family and take control of how you are remembered. At Phillip Stephens Funerals, we’re here to help guide you through the process with compassion and care.

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